Student representatives

Student representatives 2023/24

Find out who your student representatives are. Get in contact with them to raise any issue you may have.

To find out more about the full list of the Student Reps, please have a look at the AMBS UG-PGT Student Representatives 2023/24.

Please see below for the details of the Lead Reps of your programme.

MSc Accounting

MSc Accounting and Finance

MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management

MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis

MSc Business Psychology


MSc Digital Marketing


MSc Finance

MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

MSc International Business and Management

MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations

MSc Management

MSc Marketing

MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management

MSc Organisational Psychology

MSc Quantitative Finance

What is a student representative and what do they do?

Student Representatives act as the “voice” for the students on their programme, representing their views and opinions on academic and university issues. The role of a Student Representative is to gather feedback from their fellow students on what works well on their programme and what could be improved, and then sharing this feedback with University staff at various committee meetings.

Student Representatives are actively involved in:

  • Gathering feedback from fellow students
  • Attending a variety of meetings, drop-in sessions and forums
  • Communicating the student voice to School staff
  • Communicating with fellow students to help improve the student experience
  • Promoting active student involvement in programme development

Student Representatives will represent their fellow students at Programme Committee and the Postgraduate Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC). Before these meetings they will gather feedback from their fellow students and share these with the members of staff present.

Student Representatives are a vital part of the School’s operations and ensure that the student voice is always represented within University decision making.

Another key part of being an AMBS Student Representative is to communicate key pieces of information to the cohort. These may be issues that have been resolved, details of upcoming events, useful information that will help students, or encourage students to engage with the completion of surveys and questionnaires.

What are programme committee meetings?

Programme Committee meetings are the main way Student Representatives will share student feedback. Each MSc programme will have two Programme Committee meetings a year. These meetings give the Student Representatives a chance to share what students enjoy about the programme and what they think could be changed. These meetings are attended by the Student Representatives, the Programme Director, the Programme Administrator and all Course Coordinators on the programme.

What are student / staff liaison committee (SSLC) meetings?

The postgraduate SSLC is a School-wide committee covering all of the postgraduate degrees. These meetings are similar to Programme Committee meetings but the purpose of these meetings is to discuss the wider student experience and not just issues related to specific programmes. These meetings are attended by all MSc Student Representatives, all Programme Directors and all Programme Administrators, as well as various support services across the school.

What are the benefits of being a student representative?

Being a Student Representative is not only about helping others and ensuring the student voice is heard; the role also gives students the opportunity to develop key transferable skills, such as their communication and presentation skills and practice the art of diplomacy and assertiveness.

This role also provides students with the chance to network with other Student Representatives across all MSc programmes, Programme Directors, and various support staff.

Student Representatives have the chance to make a real difference and enact positive change within the University that will affect both current and future students.

What personal qualities are required?

Each Representative will bring their own personality and qualities to the role. Student Representatives should be personable and able to approach a diverse body of students and staff in a friendly and professional manner. Representatives will need to be enthusiastic to engage their cohort and be able to communicate effectively to students and staff in writing and verbally.

How are student representatives supported in the role?

At AMBS Student Representatives have a large support network and there are numerous members of staff Student Representatives can reach out to should they need any help.

  • PGT Student Representative Coordinator: All MSc Student Representatives will be supported throughout their roles by the PGT Student Representative Coordinator, who will make sure that they are full equipped to carry out their role to the best of their ability.
  • Programme Directors: All Student Representatives will have frequent opportunities to meet with their Programme Directors to discuss the programme and receive further support addressing the feedback they have gathered.

Is there training available?

Once elected into the role, all Student Representatives will attend a training session delivered by the PGT Student Representative Coordinator. This training will go over the roles and responsibilities, how to collect feedback, and details of the various committee meetings. All Student Representatives will also have access to a Student Representative Handbook, outlining further details about their role, that they can refer to throughout their role should they need further guidance.

Student responsibility and general feedback

Whilst it is only proper that you should expect to receive a high standard of education at Alliance MBS, it must not be forgotten that you have a responsibility to contribute to your educational experience.

Intellectual responsibilities

As a Masters student you will be undertaking a lot of private-study so good time management and commitment is essential. Attendance at all classes is compulsory and is recorded at lectures, seminars and labs. If you are unable to attend any class, you must contact your administrator immediately and complete the online absence from class form.

Personal responsibilities

In line with the University's policies on equality and dignity at work, we expect you to behave in an appropriate manner whilst you are a student here at the University of Manchester, at all times showing respect to your fellow students, staff and academics. The Dignity at Study and Work Procedure for Students can be found here: